When you take a great deal of pride in the appearance of your home and property, this attention extends all the way out to your curb with yard care. Whether you take care of your own landscaping care, part of it, or pass it off to a professional landscape maintenance team, it is important that you make sure it is handled as it can make or break your property's value. Here are some professional landscaping services you can use to keep your yard and property looking its best all year long.
Maintain Bedding Areas
A great way to frame around an area of green lawn is to install a landscaping border around your yard. This accent will give your yard a visual variety and add interest that you can use to provide colors for each season. For example, you can plant shrubbery with leaves that change colors in the fall or produce red berries in the winter. Bulbs and flowers that sprout and bloom in the early spring through later summer can also provide color.
Keep up on the appearance of your bedding areas with regular weed control and caring for any flowering plants. When you remove the blooms that have faded and dried up, this will keep your landscaped areas looking clean and fresh. By hiring a professional landscaping team, they will keep up on these tasks for you based on your yard's needs.
Then, be sure to add in a good layer of rich-colored mulch. Wood chip mulch or a mulch made of other organic materials will help the soil stay healthy. A layer of mulch two to three inches thick keeps moisture within the soil to boost the health of your bedding plants, and will keep down weed growth. The mulch layer also helps insulate the roots of your landscaping plants during the extreme heat of summer and cold snaps in early winter.
Provide Weed Management
Despite your best efforts to keep weed growth down, weeds will and can emerge and try to take over your landscaping areas. It is best to stay diligent and keep a step ahead of your weeds. If you ever neglect pulling weeds or killing them with herbicides, they can overtake your bedding areas and choke out the plants of moisture and soil nutrients.
Your professional landscape team will be able to treat your bedding areas for weed growth. With a good mulch layer and some regular hand-weeding, they can keep up on the weed growth before it gets out of control. Then, when herbicides are needed to treat specific aggressive weeds, they can use a safe and controlled treatment plan to restore your yard to its intended appearance.
Share18 May 2020
About a year ago, I realized that part of the reason the plants in my yard kept dying was the fact that they were planted in the wrong places. I didn't pay much attention to which plants needed certain amounts of light, and it was costing them their lives. Several of the plants were really struggling to live, and it was really hard to see. I realized that if I ever wanted to make things right, I would need to create a landscaping plan that would work well for the natural landscape of my yard. This blog is all about understanding landscaping.