Recommendations To Get A Great-Looking Yard And Landscaping


When you take the time to keep your yard's landscaping maintained for an attractive appearance all year, you need to consider the lawn, your trees, shrubbery, and the flowers that are growing throughout. Here are some recommendations to help you take the best care of your yard landscaping in order to get a great-looking yard.

Plant Attractive Vegetation

The landscaping in your yard will usually consist of a lawn, shrubbery, trees, and flowers to give your yard a wide variety of colors and vegetation. While planning your vegetation, you can plant any type of vegetation that is appropriate for your area's hardiness zone, but you should also consider the types of vegetation for the different seasons. Some plants will bloom during one season and sit dormant during others, or they may have brilliant foliage in the summer or fall months but nothing in the spring. Be sure you choose different types of vegetation that will always provide your yard with some beautiful variation through all the seasons. Otherwise, you may have a colorful yard in the spring but nothing else along with your green foliage for the rest of the year. 

For example, many perennial and annual plants will flower in the spring and summer, but what about flowers for the fall and winter? Look to plant shrubbery that has flowers in the late summer and into fall or has leaves that change colors and produce vibrant berries in the fall and winter. And if you only plant deciduous trees in your yard, they will lose their leaves in the winter, and your yard will be full of bare branches. By planting some evergreen trees and bushes, your yard will still contain greenery during the bleak winter months. 

Groom a Hardy Lawn

Your lawn is another great visual addition to your landscaping, which provides a soft green expanse next to your other vegetation. However, providing your lawn with as much water as possible, such as daily watering, can harm it and the environment. 

To keep your lawn looking its best, keep it trimmed at a length of approximately three inches. This will keep the soil of your lawn shaded, and in turn, it will keep your lawn more healthy and its roots established. Less heat stress will result in a longer lawn, and it will also enable you to water your lawn less frequently. And when you do water your lawn, do so in the early morning hours and for a longer duration because you will be watering less often. These longer waterings will allow water to go deeper into the soil and prompt your lawn's roots to grow more deeply, reducing the occurrence of heat stress.

Contact a local landscape maintenance service to learn more.


3 November 2021

Understanding Landscaping Planning

About a year ago, I realized that part of the reason the plants in my yard kept dying was the fact that they were planted in the wrong places. I didn't pay much attention to which plants needed certain amounts of light, and it was costing them their lives. Several of the plants were really struggling to live, and it was really hard to see. I realized that if I ever wanted to make things right, I would need to create a landscaping plan that would work well for the natural landscape of my yard. This blog is all about understanding landscaping.