
Getting Your Property Prepared For A Gravel Delivery


Whether you intend to place gravel on your existing dirt driveway or use the stone to enhance your landscape, you likely plan to contact a gravel delivery service to bring the pieces to you. There are a few steps to take in advance of this delivery to ensure a successful drop-off. Call The Service To Go Over Details When you contact a gravel delivery service to set up a scheduled delivery date, there are a few questions to ask to ensure you are getting exactly what you need.

15 August 2022

4 Important Commercial Landscape Maintenance Services You Should Regularly Schedule


Your business's landscaping is one of the first things customers and clients will see when they visit your property. It's important to make sure that your landscape is well-maintained and looks its best at all times. To do this, you should create a regular maintenance schedule for your commercial landscape. Some of the maintenance services you should include on your schedule include lawn mowing, leaf removal, and tree trimming. This guide analyzes in detail four commercial landscape maintenance services you should regularly schedule:

26 July 2022

Is Your Soil Stable Enough For Trees?


If your soil is loose and crumbly, you might not feel comfortable planting trees in it. Trees depend on nutrient-rich soil to grow well. If your soil doesn't hold onto water or other nutrients, it may not be stable enough for your trees. You can see if you can stabilize your soil so that you can plant your trees in it. Learn how you can stabilize your soil below. Add Mulch to Your Soil

18 July 2022

4 Things To Plan Around On A Retaining Wall Construction Project


Retaining wall construction often requires a good bit of planning. You might not be sure what you'll need to plan around when it comes to a retaining wall installation effort. If you're unclear on what the potential issues might be, look out for these four. Height Of the possible problems that could cause a retaining wall construction project to fail, height is one of the more notable. There isn't a definitive point at which you should stop using a single section of wall to hold back a hill.

23 June 2022

Brick Patio Options


A brick patio combines symmetry with color and texture. Brick pavers can be aligned next to one another or can be laid out in a staggered formation. Pavers can also incorporate a geometric shape. Choose a patio design for your residential property and select the manner in which the bricks will be laid out.  Brick Products Bricks are classic materials that will complement potted flowers, outdoor furnishings, and personal possessions that will be stored on top of a brick patio.

10 June 2022

Avoiding Mistakes When Using Mulch In Your Landscaping


Many homeowners will decide to use mulch throughout their landscaping design. While mulch can provide cosmetic benefits, there are errors that people may make that could lead to complications or that could decrease their ability to use the mulch. Not Buying The Mulch From A Reputable Provider The quality of the mulch that you are using for your property is an important consideration. Unfortunately, there are people that may not always appreciate the potential complications that low-quality mulch can create.

23 May 2022

Want To Enhance Your Landscaping? Add Landscape Lighting


If you love to landscape and have been working in your yard to create beautiful flower gardens, rock gardens, etc., this looks great during the day. You should also consider making your landscaping look great at night, which you can do by adding some landscape lighting. Below are some types of lighting you can choose from.  Install Pathway Landscape Lighting If you have pathways in your yard, such as to lead to a front door or a patio, installing pathway landscape lighting will be a good choice.

4 May 2022

Need A New Fence To Keep Dog In Your Yard? 3 Types To Choose From


If you have a dog, making sure that it's getting enough exercise is important. One way to do this is to let them run in your backyard. If you do not have it fenced in or your fencing is old, install new fencing. This will not only keep your dogs in your yard but prevents other animals from coming in. Below are three types of fencing that will work great for this purpose.

14 April 2022

5 Tree Trimming Tips For Fire Safety


If you live in an area where wildfires are a concern, then you must take steps to carefully manage the trees near your home. A fire can spread quickly, especially if there are lots of trees nearby to provide fuel.  1. Clear the Perimeter Defensible space refers to the area around a building that doesn't have any fuel for a fire to burn. In fire-prone areas, there are often local regulations on how large this space must be.

25 March 2022

Recommendations To Improve Your Yard's Landscaping For A Home Sale


Selling your home is a pretty important task, so when you are preparing your home for the real estate market, make sure to evaluate and improve your landscaping. As you clean up your yard, it is also important that you keep it maintained on a regular ongoing basis so it is always sale ready for when a buyer comes by. Here are some tips to help you take great care of your property landscaping to get the most out of your home's sale.

1 March 2022